Carnaval 2012 |

'Debutante' Party |
Our Mission:
mission is to promote through education, culture and leisure,
socio-educational activities. In which we believe is the only way to
transform social reality and guarantee the human rights of citizenship,
equality and social wellbeing.
Who We Are:
We are a Non-Governmental Organization, Star of Tomorrow: An Act of Love for Education (Estrela do Amanha: Um Ato de Amor a Educação) situated in the city of São Paulo in Brazil. A civil association of private rights, non-for profit purposes, independent of any political party or religious links, based on the principles of democracy, peace, citizens’ rights, human rights, and non-discrimination against beliefs, race, color or gender. The organization is established in the district of Limão in the city of São Paulo, and aims to extend the educational level of children ages 5 through 14 of the region, as well as removing them from the streets and inactivity after school hours. Through pedagogical support and socio-educational activities, there is a reinforcement and accompaniment to school engagement. Star of Tomorrow has all the necessary documentation, such as that from the CMDCA (Municipal Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents) issued by the city of São Paulo and FUMCAD (Municipal Fund for Children and Adolescents). These certificates are often a governmental requirement, as only suitable organizations acquire them. Today each child maintains a cost of 300 USD per month. The project has shown continuity and achievement with the children’s’ growing success in their school and community.
Why the district of Limão?
São Paulo state is situated in the Southeast region of Brazil and is the financial capital of the country. São Paulo city is its capital and has a population of around 20 million inhabitants and is the fourth biggest urban agglomeration in the world. The city is split in 9 zones, named by its geographical location in the city, in which then different districts are located under each zone. The Limão district is located in the Northeast zone and possesses around 80.000 inhabitants of middle to poor social classes. There are some 'favelas' around the district and that is the area where many of the children in need come from. Limão is a district in which has good infrastructure and potential, however lacks investment in education and social inclusion. The NGO is well recognized and respected in the region, providing a safe environment for its workers and volunteers.
Project: Socio-Educational Action of Free Time
The Non-Governmental Organization "Star of Tomorrow: An Act of love for education" was officially set-up in July, 2008 and has been offering social-educational activities of school accompaniment to the children of the region by means of the pilot project based on the Danish program “Fritdsskole”. This project can be translated as a “Socio-Educational Action of Free Time”. The project was idealized and founded by the sociologist, Mrs. Cida Christensen and the geographer Mrs. Simone Carlos. Cida Christensen lived in Denmark from 1991 through 1996 and bore her son there during this time. While in Denmark, she worked on the “Dansk Santa Mission” among other projects. Cida always had it in her heart to work with children who were less fortunate. When she returned to Brazil, she teamed up with her good friend, Mrs. Simone Carlos, who had the same ideas about starting this project. They enthusiastically started with only 6 kids; today they have more than 150 children and have many more on a waiting list.
The organization has as general lines of direction the intent to promote the integration between the pupil and the school and the unification between public agencies and the community. It also takes care of children with academic or psycho-pedagogical deficiencies through activities of school accompaniment. Moreover, it promotes socio-recreational activities, lectures, music, theater, cinema, and other courses that are also open to the parents for the purpose of integrating the family with the educational issues.
Also, the objective is to provide a healthy, violent-free and engaging environment for less fortunate kids from the Limão district in the city of São Paulo. Through pedagogical support and socio-educational exercises, there is a reinforcement and accompaniment to school activities.
Our relationship with the international community is to implement development projects and international volunteer programs that make a positive impact on local organizations, promoting intercultural exchanges and strengthening a constant and growing number of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and solidarity in the Brazilian community. Estrela do Amanhã: Um Ato de Amor a Educação has as its purpose the fight against many forms of social exclusion, organizing the national and international volunteers, from the most various areas, especially from the areas of ecology, education, health, the arts, cultural, social and scientific studies, directly or indirectly promoting the social assistance to children and adolescents.
Star of Tomorrow: An Act of Love for Education has its operations linked with other NGOs and they provide volunteers with three types of occupations: volunteer work, financial resources and technical support in management and marketing. Volunteer programs attend specific necessities of NGOs, allowing them to give beneficial support to their community in need. At the same time, they supply a very gratifying experience for volunteers who witness and feel the impact of social and environmental change. An experience fulfilled by the familiarity with Brazil’s complex society, by living it from a different perspective and gaining a new view on the community and the kids they engage with. It is the ideal travel experience for those who want to go beyond the ordinary. It is aimed at those who are willing to have the satisfaction of sharing, learning and helping in the construction and visualization of a fairer world for all.
Brazil is a country of extraordinary size, covering almost half of South America, granting it an expressive cultural diversity and a huge variety of landscape and people, causing deep impression on its visitors. This is a country of lovely tropical climate and bright colors.
Its geography also contains a large variety of fauna and flora, offering a sequence of charms, starting from an impervious forest, going through a vast variety of mountains, large swamplands and several large rivers - sometimes moving along plain lands or forming magnificent waterfalls.
Brazilian people come from a complex ethnic mix, formed firstly of Indigenous people, the Portuguese and African Negroes, later on continuously admitting many other European and Asian cultures and people to the country. Their cultural identity was formed based on similar values of tolerance, solidarity, and happiness of living in such an inspirational land. The Brazilians are lovely hosts who love to laugh, dance and sing.
Brazil is also a complex country; it can be contradictory, unfair and unequal, reflecting one of the highest concentrations of income in the world. Less than 1% of Brazil's population owns more than 42% of money and property. However, the country gives people lots of opportunity and space for improvement and the government is slowly implementing social inclusion policies. The complexity of Brazilian society is the reason for the population’s difficulties, because of its huge social contradictions. It also reflects on the difficulty of their creative energy that is necessary to take a firm stand among all other nations according to their capacity; in sustaining a position more compatible to its potential.